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ASGCA Fellow
United States
California, Hawaii, Nevada, Oregon, Washington

University of Southern California – Degree: BA (1975)
University of Southern California – Degree: MBA (1977)

Asia, North America

704C 13th St, Suite 423
Whitefish, MT 59937

Accepting the opportunity to work beside his father in the family firm, Ted Robinson left a successful career in the financial industry to join Robinson Golf Design in 1991. That career-shift led to nearly two decades of father-son collaborations on successful golf course projects around the world until the death of Ted Robinson Sr., in 2008.

Now operating his own company, Robinson is established as a driving force in golf course architecture, with Robinson Golf being a recognized authority of course designs that provide championship challenges, as well as more friendly opportunities in the 4,500-yard range, all without sacrificing the strategic elements of each hole.

Principally involved with the design of golf courses around the world, Robinson’s projects include Rancamaya Golf Club in Bogor, Indonesia; Pinx Golf Club in Cheju Island, South Korea; the Marriott Los Suenos Resort in Bahia Herradura, Costa Rica and Whistling Rock, outside of Seoul, South Korea.

Domestically, Robinson’s work includes the Phoenician in Scottsdale, Ariz.; Riverwalk, San Diego; Pelican Lakes, Windsor, Colorado; Tuscany Hills in Henderson, Nev.; Arrowood Golf Club in Oceanside, Calif; and King Kamehameha Golf Club, Wailuku, Maui Hawaii.

Arrowwood Golf Course
Oceanside, California

Robinson Ranch - Valley Course
Santa Clarita, California

Marriott Los Suenos Golf Resort
Herradura, Costa Rica

Chimera Golf Club
Las Vegas, Nevada

King Kamehameha Golf Club (formerly Waikapu)
Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii

Riverwalk Golf Club
San Diego, California