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William F. Bell, son of one of the founding members of ASGCA, William P. Bell, was born in Pasadena, California. He attended the University of Southern California before training and working with his father. Bell would continue to work for his father until 1953, when he took over the firm after his father had died. Bell named the firm William P. Bell and Son, as a tribute to his father.

Bell ended his career laying out over 200 golf courses during his career. Most of his designs concentrated along the Pacific Coast and Hawaii.

Bell was elected into ASGCA in 1950 and served as ASGCA President from 1957-1958. Bell served as a member of the organization for 34 years until his death in 1984.

For more information on William F. Bell and his son, please contact Forrest Richardson, ASGCA.

DeBell Golf Club
Burbank, California

Wickenburg Country Club
Wickenburg, Arizona

Tucson Country Club
Tucson, Arizona

Kern River Golf Course
Bakersfield, California

Antelope Valley Country Club
Palmdale, California