Golf Course Renovation
Why Renovate?
Renovations are a reality for every golf course at some point. The fact that golf courses involve living and growing components as well as things that simply wear out over time means that every course will need to plan for this eventuality. Such items as irrigation system components, drainage pipes, pump stations, cart paths, bunkers and greens complexes are examples of things that will have to be replaced. Growth of trees, infestation of greens with other types of grasses, the need to reduce cost of water and maintenance in general are all reasons to renovate a course.

When to Renovate?
Choosing the right time to do a major renovation is always a difficult decision. Waiting until conditions have deteriorated to the point of the course losing members or rounds each year, or until complete failure of main parts is not the best situation. Instead, realizing that there is an expected life span of golf course parts and planning for replacement ahead of time will help set long-term budgets and operations of a club.
How to Renovate?
The first step is spending time working with an experienced architect early in the process so that a well-organized program is implemented. Not only identifying things that need to be accomplished, but also recognizing the proper order of work is essential, especially when renovations are completed in phases. Set realistic goals for the renovation based on the budget and schedule available.

Benefits of Renovation
Replacing older components of an existing course that require constant repair can save money in the long term. Overall conditions of maintenance can be better if the superintendent does not have to spend so much time fixing broken parts. Renovations can be planned to save water, make greens more useable, cure drainage issues, replace worn cart paths and give an older course new character. Such improvements can increase membership, create greater player satisfaction and often justify an increase in fees for a better product.