How much does it cost to design and build a golf course?
Similar to the question about how much land needed to build a golf course, the question about cost is a seemingly simple one, but also has a complex, situation-specific answer.
In “Building a Practical Golf Facility” by Dr. Michael Hurdzan, ASGCA Fellow, you may read about more than a dozen golf facility development cases. The cases each describe the type of course built and list the construction cost and maintenance budget. For example, you can read about John’s Golf Course in Eureka, Mont., which was built for nothing and costs nothing to maintain. It was conceived as a project for a father and son and was built on their own land over time. Or, you can learn about the Heritage Oaks Golf Course in Harrisonburg, Va. which was constructed for just over $3 million and costs nearly $500,000 to maintain annually.
The answer to this question about building a golf course is similar to “How much does it cost to buy a house?” Both questions have the same answer: “It depends.” Talking with a golf course architect early in the development or remodeling process will help you get a handle on developing a realistic budget.