(Source: EnviroLogic Resources)
EnviroLogic Resources, Inc., announces the publication of the Environmental Stewardship Guidelines, 2nd Edition, by the Oregon Golf Course Superintendents Association. These guidelines are a comprehensive update to the popular 1st Edition, published in 2000. EnviroLogic Resources was instrumental in the development of this 2nd Edition, conducting research, defining standards, and writing the documentThe 2nd Edition Guidelines provide golf course superintendents with an easy-to-follow guidance document for preparation of site-specific environmental stewardship plans for the properties they manage. All aspects of environmental management at golf courses are covered by the Guidelines, including defining the environmental setting, best management practices, integrated pest management, water quality monitoring, wellhead protection, water management and conservation, wildlife habitat enhancement, and community outreach.
“The Oregon GCSA is to be commended for its foresight in developing Environmental Stewardship Guidelines and keeping them current and relevant. We are proud to be a part of its Environmental Committee, which helped to define the stewardship practices used by the golf industry in the Pacific Northwest,” said Tom Calabrese, President of EnviroLogic Resources. The environmental stewardship plans specified in the 2nd Edition Guidelines meet the requirements of several certification bodies, including Audubon International and Salmon Safe.
To support the 2nd Edition Guidelines, EnviroLogic Resources developed GreenGolfUSA.com, a web-based set of tools that help golf course superintendents create operational and environmental stewardship documentation for golf courses. The key features of the site are the GreenGolfUSA Integrated Pest Management (IPM) tool and Best Management Practices (BMP) Generator. In addition to these tools, the GreenGolfUSA site includes a regularly updated list of electronic resources, such as links to current turfgrass research, regulatory updates, resources to explore environmental stewardship information, and technical data.
“Golf courses are at the forefront of the environmental stewardship movement and they provide facilities that serve the needs of golfers while creating habitats that are friendly to wildlife and protective of water resources,” Calabrese said. “These web-based tools will make it easier, faster, and less expensive for turf managers to create and maintain a plan.” The 2nd Edition Guidelines are available for download from www.ogcsa.org or www.greengolfusa.com.
About EnviroLogic Resources, Inc.
EnviroLogic Resources, Inc., is an environmental and water resources consulting firm specializing in water quality, water supply, and environmental cleanup. The firm currently provides services to about 25 golf courses in the Pacific Northwest. The technical resources of EnviroLogic Resources back GreenGolfUSA, LLC.