Profile Products acquired by Platte River Equity

ASGCA Major Partner in Education Profile Products, LLC, an environmental solutions company providing soil, water and vegetation management solutions used by customers ranging from international mining companies to golf and sports complexes to retail lawn and garden...

UK golf rounds played increased 14% in Q1

Moderate weather and a desire by players to get to the course combined for a strong first quarter of 2015 for golfers in the United Kingdom. “Golf Business News” reports a 14% increase, according to a survey from Sports Marketing Surveys, Inc....

John Singleton of Toro, 2005 ASGCA Ross Award recipient, dies at 89

John Singleton, who spent 37 years with The Toro Company, died April 25 at age 89. Singleton was the recipient of the ASGCA Donald Ross Award in 2005 and was a friend to scores of men and women in the golf industry. Toro released a statement saying: John touched many...