We are no longer accepting submissions to be judged. However, any design sent to juniordesign@asgca.org will be posted below. Thanks!
Welcome to “The Great Junior Golf Design Challenge of 2021.” The challenge is simple. Young people up to age 17 may submit their design ideas for a golf hole with no limitations; any par, style or strategy, from fun to serious.
Submissions may be created in any medium (pencil, marker, crayon or digital), just use the form posted here and send the completed design to juniordesign@asgca.org.
A group of ASGCA members will review submissions and one will be chosen to receive a prize from ASGCA Foundation, with a matching award presented to a local First Tee chapter. Additionally, every submission will be entered into a drawing, and two artists will each receive a voucher to shop at USKidsGolf.com, the online home of U.S. Kids Golf!
Many designs will be shared on ASGCA social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter (@ASGCA) and Instagram (@asgca1947). Below are a few examples of submissions from last year, including a few comments from ASGCA members. We will showcase this year’s submissions as we receive them.
You can check out all of the submissions from the 2020 Design Challenge here.

Junior Design Challenge Submissions