ASGCA Past President Michael Hurdzan and Dana Fry, ASGCA., have begun work on a year-long project to renovate the Indian Bend course at Camelback in Scottsdale, Ariz.
An article in the latest issue of “Golf Course Architecture” magazine highlights the project. Hurdzan and Fry recently ended a long-term business partnership, but will complete projects they signed while working together.
The renovation will have a major environmental impact on the property. The course serves as a flood plain for the area, and will now restore area flood control. Also, the project will eliminate “more than 100 of the course’s 250 acres of maintanable turf and reintroduce native desert areas.” The course will also maintain its status as a Certified Audubon Cooperative Sanctuary.
The complete “Golf Course Architecture” article can be seen here.