Golf course water usage down 22% in eight years

Golf course superintendents used 21.8 percent less water overall and just 1.44 percent of all irrigated water in the U.S. to maintain their courses in 2013, compared with usage in 2005, according to recently released survey data, reports the Golf COurse...

ASGCA welcomes Atlas Turf as Merit Leadership Partner

The American Society of Golf Course Architects (ASGCA) has announced Atlas Turf International has been added as an ASGCA Merit Leadership Partner. The partnership builds on longstanding individual relationships between Atlas Turf, a worldwide distributor of quality...

Golf participation not declining in U.K., says European Tour

A recent article in the United Kingdom notes golf participation is clearly not on the decline in the U.K., based on a report from the European Tour. While overall club membership may be down, more are experiencing the game at shorter courses, driving ranges and other...

Olson elected president at The Toro Company

The Toro Company – an ASGCA Major Leadership Partner – announced that Richard M. Olson has been elected to the position of president and chief operating officer effective Sept. 1, 2015. Olson, 51, has served the company in various roles throughout his...