In the November/December 2010 edition of “The BoardRoom” magazine, Erik Larsen, ASGCA commented on the environmental, social, and financial values of golf courses.
In regards to courses’ environmental benefits, Larsen wrote that golf courses serve as habitats for wildlife and flora and provide storm water retention benefits. He also wrote that golf courses should be considered as green space, sharing examples of hiking trails and natural habitats that have been worked into the flow of golf courses.
As for the social and health benefits of golf courses, Larson commented that golf leads to better health, especially when a golfer walks a course. He also pointed out that courses can be used for other activities that benefit the community, like trails for jogging and cross-country skiing, or as concert space.
Additionally, Larsen shared the financial impact a course can have on a community, including the increases in jobs, taxes, charitable fundraising, home values, and hospitality/tourism.
To read Larsen’s article as it appeared in “The Boardroom” magazine, please visit here.
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