Profile Products, whose golf division provides solutions in turf establishment and erosion control, along with a complete line of ceramic particles to amend soil, has committed to a partnership with the American Society of Golf Course Architects (ASGCA) to support education for ASGCA members and the golf industry. The Major Partnership level of support helps ASGCA develop educational programming and tools to help ASGCA members work more effectively in golf development and remodeling.
Profile Products joins Toro and Rain Bird as ASGCA Major Partners.
“ASGCA is happy to work with Profile Products as a Major Partner,” said ASGCA President Rick Phelps. “They will develop educational programs and collateral material for our members to share with their clients. We’re excited about getting started.”
Profile management is also looking forward to the partnership: “We’ve worked with many ASGCA members over the years and feel good about committing our resources to help all members keep up with industry trends through education,” said Profile’s Vice President of Marketing Joe Betulius.
“We believe in helping those who are involved right at the beginning of golf projects—whether in new construction or remodels. These are people who have the knowledge to craft courses that are not only fun to play but are environmentally sustainable. ASGCA members are among the best in the world at their jobs and we feel good about helping them maintain that excellence through education,” he added.
The partnership will kick off when the ASGCA Executive Committee holds its fall meeting at Profile headquarters in Buffalo Grove, Ill. The Executive Committee and ASGCA staff will focus much of their meeting time on ASGCA business, but will also meet with Profile senior staff about crafting education opportunities for members.
For more about how ASGCA is working with suppliers of golf course products and services to build a stronger golf industry through education, visit or call ASGCA.
About Profile Products LLC
Based in Buffalo Grove, Ill., PROFILE Products LLC offers environmentally sound, site-specific solutions including soil modification, erosion control and plant establishment. As the leading manufacturer of hydraulically-applied mulch and additives, as well as ceramic conditioners to amend soil, Profile offers on-site solutions and consultation to architects, land planners, contractors, developers and municipalities. Its team of agronomists, engineers and industry experts is supported through a worldwide network of experienced distributors. Profile ….Solutions for your Environment™. For more information call (800) 508-8681, email or visit